04 July 2014

Newborn Tutu Outfit

It's being crazy this days. A lot of things to do and time runs fast. My niece Alessandra turned one week old and I wanted to take some pictures of her as a newborn.
I decided to make her outfit. A cute and easy one. My other niece Emily helped me. She's eight years old, so if you know how to read this, you can also do it.
Here the step by step…
  • 2 Rolls of Tulle
  • 1 Yard Braided Elastic 1/2'' Wide
  • 1/2 Yard of Fold Over Elastic
  • Ribbon Flower
  • Scissors
  • Thread
  • Needle
I bought 3 rolls of tulle because I wanted the tutu very fluffy, but 2 rolls were enough.
Measure the baby's head and cut the fold over elastic that size. Sew the headband with a simple stitch by the right side.
Then I opened the seams.
And sew the ribbon flower.
For the Tutu, measure the baby's belly. Cut the braided elastic that size. Sew a simple hand stitch to close it.
 Cut the rolls of tulle every 15". Fold them by the middle and place like the picture.
Take both ends of the tulle inside the hole.
Pull it.
This is the way it will look behind. Now repeat until you fill the hole elastic.
I made three skirts to look the way I wanted, but since I knew it would be for a backward picture, the second and the third one I only fill a half of the elastic, the backward part. It would make it more comfortable for her belly.

Now I'm getting confused. I'm a Fashion Designer, aspiring to be an Interior Designer and Decorator but also love the Newborn Photography. What should I do?

Note: I'm very interested to learn more english, so if you find some mistakes, I will appreciate if you leave a comment to let me know.

Thanks for reading!

Posted in ,

01 July 2014

Ganamos! Gracias!

Me inscribí a un concurso pensando que con el premio me podría comprar unos zapatos nuevos. Pedí que votaran, era fácil para mí. En respuesta obtuve un montón de mensajes. Algunos para pedirme instrucciones de cómo votar, otros para decirme que tenían problemas con la página y aún así seguían intentando. No faltó la persona que votara todos los días, la que pidiera a cada cliente votar, la maestra que lo dejara de tarea a sus alumnos, la que lo pidiera a sus familiares, amigos, empleados, compañeros, etc. Hay quienes me decían "yo voto de la oficina, de mi casa y del celular para acumular mas votos". El chisme del día era cómo iban las encuestas. Me dijeron que hasta fans tengo :O.
Entonces pensé que con mis deseos avariciosos podríamos perder y el esfuerzo de muchas personas al votar sería en vano. Así que prometí que si ganaba duplicaría el premio y con él haría una buena acción. Mi madre dice que las cosas funcionan así. Y las mamás siempre tienen la razón.
Lo de los zapatos es broma, sólo fué por dramatizar. La verdad es que ni siquiera pensé que tendría tanta ayuda y la posibilidad de ganar. Aún así, el pedir que votaran no era por el premio, a mi me sirve el hecho de que muchas personas podrán ver lo que hago y con suerte eso se convierta en trabajo ahora que me les voy a California ;).
No pido que el dinero me caiga del cielo, sólo un buen trabajo, salud e inspiración.
Sobre la buena acción ya les estaré dando noticias, y no porque me crea la Santa Madre Teresa de Calcuta, sino porque creo merecen saber a dónde irá a parar su esfuerzo.
Listos para votar de nuevo? Vayan agarrando pilas que ya casi queda lista la recámara de mi sobrina Alessandra. Está quedando de ensueño y digna de concurso.
De nuevo Muchas Gracias!
Posted in 

29 June 2014

Gathered Cornice

Recently, I'm very busy decorating my newborn niece and future goddaughter's nursery room. I'm almost finishing. I bought my first upholstery stapler and I was so excited to make something with. So, my first project was this gathered cornice. I had my own idea and I searched for something similar on Pinterest to show my sister how it would look and couldn't find it. At the end was more beautiful that I imagined. No complaints from my sister (my niece's mom).
The instructions next…

  • Measuring tape
  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • 1/2" MDF board
  • Coping saw
  • Wood file
  • 1"x4"x8' clear pine board (cut at your hardware store the size you want)
  • 1" cocks
  • Screwdriver gun tool
  • Grinder or hacksaw
  • 2 flat spring tension rod (cut at your hardware store the size you want)
  • Rod holders
  • Screws
  • Nylon cord
  • Stapler
  • Staples
  • Foam to fabric adhesive spray
  • Foam
  • 5 Yards of fabric 
  • Upholstery track strips
  • Level
  • Drill
  • Brackets
  • Anchor

From the beggining to the end...
    Measure your window. Draw your design on paper at least 8" wider. Only a half, if you want it symmetrical. Cut it. Then draw it on the MDF board.
    Cut the MDF board by the line with an electric coping saw. You can also do it with a manual one. For me (stealing my brother's tools) was kind of difficult to do it perfectly, so I used a wood file to make rounded edges smoother. I asked my local hardware store to cut the right lines. I only cut the rounded because they don't do that.
    Some cocks to assemble. 
     I used a screwdriver tool to assemble easier.
    You can also use a manual screwdriver.
    The pine board.
     Assemble the pine board pieces with cocks and screwdriver gun tool.
     It looks this way assembled.
    I used an electric grinder to cut the rods to size. For your safe use clear glasses. You can also ask to be cut at your local hardware store or use a hacksaw.
    Some materials: nylon cord, stapler, staples, foam to fabric adhesive spray, foam, fabric and upholstery track strips.
    Cut the foam to cover front and sides of your cornice, 1" bigger.
     Staple carefully all around.
     Gather the fabric and staple, similar to the foam.
    Pipe the cord by sewing machine. Also, you can do it directly with staples if you don't have one. But this is the easier way.
     Staple all the piping on top and bottom. Cut leftovers.
    Cover with the upholstery track strips and more fabric.
    It looks this way behind. But nobody sees that side, so you don't need to be as perfectionist as me.
    Drill your wall about 4" over the window. Use a level if you're not sure the window is right leveled. Insert anchors (ask your local hardware store which ones are better for your wall). Screw the brackets. 
    The Screws, two are enough.
    Screw rod holders. Place the cornice over the brackets and draw into the bracket's holes. Drill a bit (It will make easier to screw on brackets).
    Place universal track carries and clips in rod. Then place rods in holders.
    Universal track carries and clips.
    Place a simple transparent curtain behind and two blackout curtain in front.
    This is how the gathered cornice looks.

    Note: I'm very interested to learn more english, so if you find some mistakes, I will appreciate if you leave a comment to let me know.
    Thanks for reading!